Product Details

Quality Bible Printing Service:

Professional China bible printing service provided by Image Printing. Image Printing is good at hardcover bible printing, flexi bound and soft cover bible printing as well.

The performance of any bible printing jobs depends primarily on the materials and the processes, as well as more immediately apparent factors like text design and layout. Hereby we try to introduce and generate some tips for our potential esteemed clients reference when they are interested in our bible printing service.

Cover -- Bible books come in a variety of cover styles and materials, but the options available within a particular edition almost always share a common book block and the true measure of quality. Therefore, please begin with an assessment of text design, the paper and print quality. We may often see high-quality bonded or genuine leather covers with better quality suited to a basic and inexpensive mechanical binding style. It is true, but not exact. Image Printing is able to bind professioal bible books even if it is just a softcover or PLC hardcover bible printing job.

Design -- Bible printing China company challenge has always been to compress within one book with same number of words as might constitute perhaps half a dozen novels or more. Traditionally this has been met by printing on very thin paper such as bible paper in carefully chosen type sizes, typefaces and page layouts. The pages printed should be easy to read, but a small bible page cannot be printed in a large typeface without increasing the number of text pages and consequently the thickness, so the designers are trapped to find the balance between readability and portability. The outer margins should be even and in the centre of book the gutter margins should be sufficiently generous so as not to interfere with reading.

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